683 research outputs found

    Deep Detection of People and their Mobility Aids for a Hospital Robot

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    Robots operating in populated environments encounter many different types of people, some of whom might have an advanced need for cautious interaction, because of physical impairments or their advanced age. Robots therefore need to recognize such advanced demands to provide appropriate assistance, guidance or other forms of support. In this paper, we propose a depth-based perception pipeline that estimates the position and velocity of people in the environment and categorizes them according to the mobility aids they use: pedestrian, person in wheelchair, person in a wheelchair with a person pushing them, person with crutches and person using a walker. We present a fast region proposal method that feeds a Region-based Convolutional Network (Fast R-CNN). With this, we speed up the object detection process by a factor of seven compared to a dense sliding window approach. We furthermore propose a probabilistic position, velocity and class estimator to smooth the CNN's detections and account for occlusions and misclassifications. In addition, we introduce a new hospital dataset with over 17,000 annotated RGB-D images. Extensive experiments confirm that our pipeline successfully keeps track of people and their mobility aids, even in challenging situations with multiple people from different categories and frequent occlusions. Videos of our experiments and the dataset are available at http://www2.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~kollmitz/MobilityAidsComment: 7 pages, ECMR 2017, dataset and videos: http://www2.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~kollmitz/MobilityAids

    Crisis espacial en las ciudades.

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    Transmigrating and nomadic, the city is inconceivable if not precisely from the individual beats in the spaces to which this refers, because these also make the mean and in this sense there can be explained the uniqueness of the spaces, of the occupants, and behavior done wrapped as well as the materials they are made of these parts, that is, fragments and differences, distances, and gestures. Spontaneity inhabits this city, for this reason, is apprehended only in shelters that serve as context to landscapes that cover and pierce its target rendering it fleetingly visible.Transmigradora y trashumante, la ciudad no se concibe si no es precisamente a partir del individuo que palpita en los espacios a los cuales aquella se remite, porque estos igualmente la significan y la hacen, en este sentido se puede explicar allá la singularidad de los espacios, de sus ocupantes, del comportamiento hecho y envuelto así como también en los materiales de que están hechos estos lugares, es decir, de fragmentos y diferencias, distancias, y gestos. La espontaneidad habita esta ciudad, por tal razón, solo es aprehendible en los refugios que sirven de contexto a los paisajes que la cubren y horadan su destino tornándola visible fugazmente

    Crisis espacial en las ciudades

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    Transmigradora y trashumante, la ciudad no se concibe si no es precisamente a partir del individuo que palpita en los espacios a los cuales aquella se remite, porque estos igualmente la significan y la hacen, en este sentido se puede explicar allí la singularidad de los espacios, de sus ocupantes, del comportamiento hecho y envuelto así como también en los materiales de que están hechos estos lugares, es decir, de fragmentos y diferencias, distancias, y gestos. La espontaneidad habita esta ciudad, por tal razón, solo es aprehendible en los refugios que sirven de contexto a los paisajes que la cubren y horadan su destino tornándola visible fugazmente.Transmigrating and nomadic, the city is inconceivable if not precisely from the individual beats in the spaces to which this refers, because these also make the mean and in this sense there can be explained the uniqueness of the spaces, of the occupants, and behavior done wrapped as well as the materials they are made of these parts, that is, fragments and differences, distances, and gestures. Spontaneity inhabits this city, for this reason, is apprehended only in shelters that serve as context to landscapes that cover and pierce its target rendering it fleetingly visible

    How Social Innovation Hubs Impact Start-ups

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    New Physics in Double Higgs Production at Future e+e−e^+ e^- Colliders

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    We study the effects of new physics in double Higgs production at future e+e−e^+ e^- colliders. In the Standard Model the chiral limit (me=0m_e=0) plays an important role for this process, being responsible for the smallness of the tree-level diagrams with respect to the 1-loop contributions. In our work, we consider the possibility of an enhancement due to the contribution of Standard Model dimension-six effective operators. We show that there are only two relevant operators for this process that are not yet (strongly) constrained by other data. We perform a sensitivity study on the operator coefficients for several benchmark values of energy and integrated luminosity related to the proposed linear colliders such as CLIC, ILC and FCC-ee and we derive expected 95% CL limits for each benchmark scenario.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. New references adde

    Implementacion de un software para el control de neumaticos como herramienta de mejora en la gestion del mantenimiento de una flota de camiones

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    101 p.La presente memoria de titulo se basa en la implementación del Software Rodar System III para el control de neumáticos, y se aplica a la flota de camiones pertenecientes a la planta Teno de la Sociedad Depetris Deflorian Hnos. Ltda. La constante competencia comercial existente, hace que cada día se busquen nuevos métodos para ampliar el margen de ganancias de las organizaciones, es por esto que surge la necesidad de maximizar la vida de los activos físicos de la empresa. En el caso de los neumáticos estos son un centro de costos que generan altas demandas de recursos económicos por lo que realizar rutinas de mantenimiento y controles eficaces y eficientes dirigidos a estos elementos, es el principal motivo por el cual se decidió integrar una herramienta informática que facilite estas labores y permita obtener el mayor desempeño posible de dichos componentes. Para el desarrollo de este trabajo fue necesario definir los flujos de información necesarios para alimentar la base de datos del sistema de información utilizado (Rodar System III). Como etapa inicial se trabajó en la elaboración de planillas mediante las cuales fuese posible la recolección de datos para el posterior ingreso al sistema. Junto con esto se realizó un levantamiento para poder registrar y evaluar el estado actual de los neumáticos del total de la flota. Así mismo y en vista de las falencias detectadas en las labores de mantenimiento dirigidas a los neumáticos fue necesario establecer procedimientos de trabajo mediante los cuales se establecen criterios y condiciones para realizar mantenimiento preventivo, además de definir las condiciones para que una vez retirados los neumáticos sea viable la reutilización de este mediante el proceso de recapado. En definitiva con la implementación del software Rodar System III, se busca tener una herramienta de apoyo en el proceso de toma de decisión y que combinado con rutinas de mantenimiento preventivo se logre minimizar los costos operacionales de la flota./ ABSTRACT: This work is based on the implementation of the software Rodar System III for the control of tires, and it is applied to the fleet of trucks belonging to the plant Teno of the Society Depetris Deflorian Hnos. Ltda. The constant commercial competition makes that every day new methods are looked for to enlarge the margin of earnings of the organizations, it is for this reason that the necessity arises of maximizing the life of the physical assets of the company. In the case of the tires these they are a cost centre that generate discharges demands of economic resources for that that to carry out maintenance routines and effective and efficient controls directed to these elements, it is the main reason for which decided to integrate a computer tool that facilitates these works and allow to obtain the biggest acting possible of this components. For the development of this work it was necessary to define the necessary flows of information to feed the database of the utilized system of information (Rodar System III), as initial stage one worked in the elaboration of schedules by means of which was possible the gathering of data for the later entrance to the system. Together with this he/she was carried out a rising to be able to register and to evaluate the current state of the tires of the total of the fleet. Likewise and in view of the lack detected in the managed maintenance works to the tires it was necessary to establish working up by means of which approaches and conditions settle down to carry out preventive maintenance, besides defining the conditions so that once retired the ti res are viable the re-use of this by means of the retreading process. In definitive with the implementation of the software Rodar System III, it is looked for to have a support tool in the process of taking of decision and that combined with preventive maintenance routines it is possible to minimize the operational costs of the fleet. Key Words: Rodar System III, system of information, maintenance, physical assets, tires

    Evaluacion del actual procedimiento de secado al aire de madera aserrada, de Pinus radiata (D. Don), enfocado a las elaboradoras de madera aserrada de la VII Region

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    110 p.Considerando la fuerte competencia que significa el secado artificial, efectuado por grandes aserraderos, para las elaboradoras de madera aserrada que practican el secado al aire, resulta importante la necesidad de realizar un estudio y análisis de como se esta efectuando el secado al aire, ya que un alto porcentaje de la producción de Pino radiata (D. Don)' en Chile es sometido a secado al aire, razón por lo tanto de gran importancia realizarlo en forma correcta. Este estudio tiene como objetivo recopilar información sobre el actual procedimiento de secado al aire de madera aserrada de Pino, y así poder analizar la situación actual de como efectúan el secado algunas elaboradoras. Dicho estudio considera un total de 22 elaboradoras de madera aserrada conocidas con el nombre de "barracas", localizadas en la región del Maule, a las cuales se les aplico una encuesta con preguntas relacionadas a aspectos referentes al tipo de secado al aire practicado, motivos por los cuales seleccionaron dicho método de secado, factores que influyen en el, así como información de la producción, ocupación laboral, capacitación entre otros. El análisis de las diferentes variables comprendidas en la encuesta, mostró que de los tipos de secado al aire, el secado en triangulo es el mas practicado y es el que menos demora en secar la madera hasta un contenido de humedad apropiado para su uso. Además a partir del análisis se puede comprobar que los encargados de efectuar el secado al aire, necesitan un mayor conocimiento de la madera así como de los factores que influyen en el secado de esta

    Variation in Quantitative Myocardial Perfusion Due to Arterial Input Selection

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    ObjectivesThis study compared the clinical implications of quantifying myocardial perfusion among different potential arterial input sites: the high (HAo) and basal (BAo) ascending aorta, descending aorta (DA), left atrium (LA), and left ventricular (LV) cavity.BackgroundAbsolute myocardial perfusion and its hyperemic reserve imaged by positron emission tomography (PET) can serve as noninvasive functional measures of physiologic severity. Quantitative myocardial perfusion by PET depends on the time–concentration of vascular activity, called arterial input (AI). However, arterial activity imaged by PET can vary among sites due to partial volume effects from anatomic size, cardiac or respiratory motion out of fixed regions of interest, and spillover from neighboring vascular structures.MethodsPatients underwent cardiac rubidium-82 PET imaging with flow quantification using various anatomic AI. After excluding sites with overt spillover or misregistration, we selected the customized, highest AI among the BAo, HAo, DA, and LA. Average whole heart flows and percent of LV with substantial definite ischemia were compared among sites.ResultsOf 288 cases, LA was selected in roughly half, with HAo in another quarter to one-third. Compared with using the customized AI, rest and stress absolute flow were higher by 5% to 10% for HAo, 14% for BAo, 19% to 23% for DA, and 46% to 49% for LV due to artifactually low AI values. The ratio of coronary flow reserve to its customized value was less affected, although its 95% confidence interval increased among AI locations: 7% for LA, 16% for HAo, 20% for BAo, 28% for DA, and 31% for LV.ConclusionsThe best customized site for AI activity varies for each patient among potential anatomic locations. Selection of the customized arterial site for each individual improved quantification of myocardial perfusion and coronary flow reserve with less variability compared with utilizing a single, pre-selected, fixed anatomic site

    Manifestações mais frequentes na cavidade oral causadas por doenças inflamatórias intestinais em pacientes que frequentam a consulta de gastroenterologia do Hospital Geral de Viseu

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    Introdução: Actualmente, um dos problemas que em maior grau afectam e dificultam o perfeito funcionamento do corpo humano, num elevado número de indivíduos, dizem respeito às diversas doenças que afectam o aparelho digestivo. A doença de Crohn e a colite ulcerosa são as que apresentan maiores manifestações extra-intestinais com atingimento da cavidade oral e, como consequência diminuindo a qualidade de vida dos individuos que padecem desta doença. Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi descrever as manifestações e sintomatologia oral presentes na doença inflamatória intestinal. Materiais e Métodos: A amostra foi selecionada no Hospital Geral de Viseu, em Viseu, Portugal, sendo constituída por 30 indivíduos adultos de ambos os géneros. Foram avaliadas as cavidades orais dos pacientes para registrar a presença de manifestações orais da doença. Foram ainda obtidos dados referentes ao tipo de alimentação e actividade da doença inflamatória intestinal. Resultados: Em pacientes com doença inflamatória intestinal as manifestações orais como a cárie dentária e a gingivite foram observadas com maior frequência, seguidas pelas úlceras aftosas; a lingua geográfica foi a única manifestação asociada a pacientes com colite ulcerosa. A sintomatologia mais frequente foram a xerostomia e o sabor ácido em doentes em fase activa da doença, sem se demostrar diferenças entre a doença de Crohn e colite ulcerosa. Conclusão: Foi possível descrever e associar as manifestações e sintomalogia oral em pacientes com doença inflamatória intestinal. Estas manifestações são mais frequentes na fase activa da doença.Introduction: Currently, one of the problems that affects and hinders the perfect functioning of the human body in a large number of individuals, corresponds to the digestive system represented by the various diseases that affect it. Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are the ones with the greatest extraintestinal manifestations reaching the oral cavity and consequently impairing the quality of life of the individuals suffering from this disease. Aim: The objective of the present study was to describe the manifestations and oral symptomatology present in inflammatory bowel disease. Materials and Methods: The sample was selected at the General Hospital of Viseu, in Viseu, Portugal, and consisted of 30 adult individuals of both sexes. Oral cavities were evaluated for the presence of oral manifestations. Data were also obtained regarding the type of diet and activity of inflammatory bowel disease. Results: In patients with inflammatory bowel disease, oral manifestations such as dental caries and gingivitis were observed more frequently, followed by aphthous ulcers; the geographical tongue was the only manifestation associated with patients with ulcerative colitis. The most frequent symptoms were xerostomia and acid taste in patients on the active phase of the desease, without showing differences between Crohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis. Conclusion: It was possible to describe and associate the manifestations and oral symptomatology in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. These manifestations were more frequent in the active phase of the diseas
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